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Ashley OlsonAshley Olson Fitness

MY BIZ: Ashley Olson Fitness

KNOWN FOR: College Detox 101

FROM: Punta Gorda, Florida, United States

BACKGROUND: I went to college at the University of Miami and have a Bachelors of Business Administration. I attempted graduate school a couple of time and had a TON of jobs post-graduation. I looked like a total flake, but I learned a lot about myself. I just kept taking action and moving towards what felt right…and this is where I ended up! I always thought you found your path by obsessing over it, but now I’m a fan of relaxing into things…it all works out in the end.

MY MESSAGE: As a college fitness and lifestyle expert, I teach women ages 18-25 how to be healthy in college and still have fun. I empower students by teaching them the tools they need to create a college experience that brings them health, happiness, and success.

MY PASSION: I could talk about why I’m passionate about this for days! I struggled to find balance in college. My perfectionist mindset manifested itself in some tough ways, like an eating disorder. I was so worried about being perfect that I closed myself off from a lot of experiences. Attending college is a unique time in our lives. I now know it’s possible to write your story, care for your mind and body, AND have a good time.

SOMETHING I WISH ALL WOMEN KNEW AND PRACTICED WITH THEIR HEALTH & FITNESS: I’d love to see women embrace their strength…their physical and mental strength. We are capable of amazing things when we open ourselves up to the possibilities that are out there!


FAV BOOK: I love to read books from lots of different genres and have too many favorites to count, but one that comes to mind right now is The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.

FAV MOVIE: 10 Things I Hate About You

FAV QUOTE: This quote has been a favorite of mine since college: “Press on: nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” -Calvin Coolidge

FAM LIFE: I live with my awesome husband, Aaron, and our Brindle Blackmouth Cur, Fiona (who is named after Fiona Glenanne from the show Burn Notice).

ONE THING NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT ME: I pick at my eyebrows when I’m in laser-focus mode…this has ended badly a number of times. Eyebrow pencils/gels are my friend.

IN MY FREE TIME, YOU CAN FIND ME: I love spending time with my family. We’re pretty silly and have a great time. There’s nothing better than laughing so hard that you’re crying.

MOST IMPORTANT PERSONAL GOAL FOR 2015: My goal is to get effing strong. Being physically strong means a lot to me and I could fill an entire page rambling on about it. In short, it’s about being healthy and having the strength to do what I want in life. I think it also helps build mental strength as well.

Health and happiness come from YOUR unique formula for balance.
- Ashley Olson