FAV BOOK: I have a LOT of books that I love to read again and again so I can’t pick just one. Some of my favorites are “The Happiness Advantage”, “Easier Said Than Done”, and the Bible.
FAV MOVIE: The Five Heartbeats
FAV QUOTES: “To whom much is given, much is required.”
FAM LIFE: I am married to the man of my dream, Al, with one 5 year old son, AJ, and am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter, Jacqueline.
ONE THING NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT ME: Ha… I don’t think there is anything that NO ONE knows but something that most people assume about me is that I eat healthy all the time. I don’t. I create lots of workarounds for some of my favorite comfort foods BUT when it comes to dessert, I often just enjoy the real thing.
IN MY FREE TIME, YOU CAN FIND ME: Reading, watching movies with my husband (the movie buff in our house), playing educational games with my son, or watching hairstyling tutorials.
MOST IMPORTANT PERSONAL GOAL FOR 2015: Live by the “LIPO” principles:
L- laugh more
I- be intentional about everything I do
P- prepare in advance
O- organize as much as possible to make everything that I do more efficient