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Concita ThomasGreat Shape Fit Club

MY BIZ: Great Shape Fit Club

KNOWN FOR: Get in the Game

FROM: Coppell, TX USA

BACKGROUND: My journey to creating this company is one of personal pain turned into passion.  I was relatively lean and athletic until I began college.  During and after college I struggled with my weight for years. Even when I achieved weight loss and got back into shape, I had yet to master a lifestyle that could keep me in shape without me needing to make fitness THE priority in my life.  My fitness obsession cost me plenty of fun with friends and ruined plenty of potential romantic evenings with my husband. I actually FELL ASLEEP on one of our anniversary dates because I was so worn out from training- so not worth it! As I began to discover ways to get and stay in shape without my former food and fitness obsession, I realized how many women could benefit from what I was learning. I knew that it would be my mission to help as many women as I could reach lose the weight without trading in their sanity, fun with friends, and romantic evenings.

MY MESSAGE: The message of Great Shape Fit Club is that significant, sustainable weight loss is possible without food and fitness obsession. You don’t have to choose a fit body or a full life. You can learn to live in the overlap between the two.

MY PASSION: I am so passionate about that message because of my own personal struggle and because of the sheer number of women that I see struggling with this concept.  I am equally thrilled to help a woman who has given up in getting in shape because she doesn’t think it is possible with her other responsibilities or a woman who is in excellent shape but desperately wanting to escape needing to spend HOURS each week in the gym and doing food prep. In each case it feels like I am helping someone get a piece of their life back.

SOMETHING I WISH ALL WOMEN KNEW AND PRACTICED WITH THEIR HEALTH & FITNESS: I wish all women knew that no matter what their fitness struggle may be that the resolution to that struggle is to find an easier, more lifestyle friendly way rather than to continue to try harder at the same approach that doesn’t fit their lifestyle or personality.


FAV BOOK: I have a LOT of books that I love to read again and again so I can’t pick just one. Some of my favorites are “The Happiness Advantage”, “Easier Said Than Done”, and the Bible.

FAV MOVIE: The Five Heartbeats

FAV QUOTES: “To whom much is given, much is required.”

FAM LIFE:  I am married to the man of my dream, Al, with one 5 year old son, AJ, and am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter, Jacqueline.

ONE THING NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT ME: Ha… I don’t think there is anything that NO ONE knows but something that most people assume about me is that I eat healthy all the time. I don’t. I create lots of workarounds for some of my favorite comfort foods BUT when it comes to dessert, I often just enjoy the real thing.

IN MY FREE TIME, YOU CAN FIND ME: Reading, watching movies with my husband (the movie buff in our house), playing educational games with my son, or watching hairstyling tutorials.

MOST IMPORTANT PERSONAL GOAL FOR 2015: Live by the “LIPO” principles:
L- laugh more
I- be intentional about everything I do
P- prepare in advance
O- organize as much as possible to make everything that I do more efficient

No matter what your fitness struggle may be that the resolution to that struggle is to find an easier, more lifestyle friendly way.
- Concita Thomas