MY BIZ: MomBeyondBaby
KNOWN FOR: The Healthy Mom Guidebook
FROM: Tampa, FL, USA
BACKGROUND: For the first time in my life while pregnant with my daughter, all of my choices were for someone else. I no longer cared about if I hit my macros, how many minutes I exercised or what size pants I was wearing. Everything I did, ate, and thought about was for the little human being I was growing inside of me. All of my choices about myself and my body were to be healthy. For the first time, that was enough. After years yo-yo dieting turned anorexia, excessive exercise and not seeing my body as anything more than a number in my pants, this was a complete 180.
I have been in fitness for years. I am a personal trainer. I teach group fitness classes. I am a top female finisher athlete. I am a Metabolic Effect Hormonal Fat Loss Consultant. I know fat loss and fitness inside and out. But something happened when I became a mom. I realized how easy it is to push yourself to the back burner and take care of everything and everyone else before yourself. No matter how much I knew, I had to learn a way that worked for my new life as a mom. I saw this need for moms who struggle with an understanding fat loss, hormones, and how to that balance in life.
So, with my credentials and experiences, I created MomBeyondBaby to teach moms how to get to this place of living a healthy mom lifestyle without taking the time away from our families and children. To teach moms how to make fat loss and a healthy lifestyle effortless. To teach moms that you can be healthy and fit by focusing on the big rocks, the stuff that matters. To teach moms that taking care of themselves is the most selfish thing they can do for their families. To help them understand how to live a healthy mom lifestyle & embrace moderation and balance, so they can be a role model for their kids.
MY MESSAGE: The Healthy Mom Lifestyle
MY PASSION: I am passionate about moms living a healthy mom lifestyle because taking care of us is in fact the best thing we can do for our families and our kids. As busy moms we have so many things to do and we often put ourselves last on the list. I am passionate about teaching moms how to take care of themselves without sacrificing their lives as a mom. My passion is teaching expecting, new and more “seasoned” moms how to find that balance between living a healthy lifestyle and being a mom.
SOMETHING I WISH ALL WOMEN KNEW AND PRACTICED WITH THEIR HEALTH & FITNESS: I wish all women, especially moms, knew and practiced the big rocks of fat loss nutrition and exercise so they could spend the majority of their energy elsewhere: family, work, relationships, etc. Instead of getting caught up with the small stuff like condiments and sodium or getting overwhelmed with the numbers, I wish women focused solely on what matters when it comes to their health and fitness: eating intuitively, efficient exercise, and healthy habits. I wish all women knew how to lose fat and achieve their goals by spending less time in the kitchen and the gym.