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How Cheating More Will Help You Cheat Less

What the? You’re probably confused as hell by the title of this blog, but yes, you read that right–using strategic cheats will actually help you to cheat less. Last night on the crash dieting webinar I hosted, one woman asked, …

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Why Maintaining Your Weight is a Success

Between the years of 2006 and 2010, I lost and gained the same 20 lbs roughly a dozen times, as a figure competitor and fitness model. I had distinct “on season” and “off season,” times where I vacillated between strict …

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11 Ways to Feel Less Deprived On Your Healthy Diet

The degree to which we feel deprived is directly related the the extent we will eventually overindulge. It’s relatively easy to harness willpower for a short period of time, like an weight loss challenge at work, or a competition diet, …

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Recipe: Easy Paleo Banana Bread (Gluten & Dairy-Free)

This is one of my fav go-to recipes, especially for travel as a convenience food. And prep time is less than 10 minutes (could not be any easier!). I usually bake a whole loaf and eat a slice as a …

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Do Obese People “Have No Shame?”

This is a sensitive topic that most people already have an opinion on–are obese people just lazy gluttons? Or is there more going on with people who struggle with their weight AND as a community, might it serve us better …

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7 Reasons You Pretty Much Rock

Yes, you. YOU pretty much rock. Why? Well, how about we start with, why not? These two ideas sum up about 99% of this past weekend at the 1st annual Radiance Retreat in Asheville, NC. Jen Sinkler of Thrive with …

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32 Rules to Live By

I don’t particularly love road trips (that’s Jade’s thing), but I do appreciate the quiet time in the car that allows for the mind to wonder. Last week, we were road tripping to DC for a mini family reunion, and …

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{Mindset Makeover} Ask Yourself What You *Really* Want

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the difference between what we think we want, and what we actually want. We say we want to be “in show shape” We say we want to lose 10 lbs We say we want to …

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{Mindset Makeover} How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

At JillFit, we talk a lot about the victim mindset and how to overcome it so that we can ultimately realize our full potential. We want to get lean, be successful professionally, create meaningful personal relationships, all the while feel …

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The Old Way vs. the New: Your Physique, Your Mindset & Your Happiness

At Metabolic Effect, we say, “Fat loss is a process, not a protocol,” and if you have been entrenched the dieting culture for long, you understand that most diets, plans, programs and experts are all recommending a very specific “right …

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