November 5, 2010

30 Days of Fat Loss–Day #26: Buns of Steel!

By Emily Saunders

I’ve found in my own training and with my clients that everyone seems to have a body part or area that causes them extra grief in their fat loss and muscle gain efforts.  It might be an area that doesn’t  tighten up as quickly or an area that is disproportionately larger or smaller than the rest of our bodies.

My spot is my glutes.  I have always had a very flat behind, and when I decided to train for my first fitness competition, my glutes became a primary focus.  My lower body workouts initially concentrated on very heavy training for the first 6 months of the year and with my trainer (and fellow JillFit Coach) Tara’s help, I was able to make some sizable gains.  More recently I have changed my focus to one day of heavy training and one day of lighter “detailing” workouts to build and maintain the muscle I have while also bringing out lines and definition.

The glutes are a large muscle group and they can be worked using traditional exercises like squats, walking lunges and bench step ups.  Heavy weights are best for both adding size and lift to the glute/hamstring tie-in area.

Using Metabolic Effect’s signature Rest Based Training Method demonstrated in the video below and reaching failure multiple times provides for ultimate results in creating a rounded yet perky behind.  Additionally, the photos below provide some new exercises to mix things up or take it to the next level and really target the glutes. Try the workout and let us know what you think!

Circuit 1: Circuit through each of the following exercises one after the other, completing 3 rounds and resting 30 to 60 seconds between each round:

Exercise Reps Notes
Heavy Barbell Lunge/Squat/Lunge 60 seconds See video
Heavy Step-ups 30 seconds each leg See video
Heavy Dumbbell Walking Lunge/Reach 30 seconds See video
Switch Jumps w/ dumbbells 20 seconds See video
Switch Jumps without dumbbells 20 seconds See video
30 – 60 seconds Rest

Circuit 2: Circuit through each of the following exercises one after the other, completing 3 rounds and resting 30 to 60 seconds between each round:

Exercise Reps / Weight Notes
Kneeling Cable Kickback Dropset – 10 heavy/10 med/10 light each leg See pics
Hamstring Plate Bridge 10 reps both feet on floor / 10 reps right leg to ceiling / 10 reps left leg to ceiling – heavy plate on midsection See pics
Smith Machine Donkey Kick 10 reps each leg – 10 lb plate on each side See pics
Prone Leg Curl w/ Lift 10 reps – moderate to heavy See pics – curl legs, lifting quads off pad

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