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November 9, 2011

Wednesday Workout: At-Home Cardio Kickboxing Routine

Well….changing things up this week for our weekly workout, and getting a little group fitness-y on you guys :) This is a little preview of what I will be doing this week. I have been working hard on perfecting some cardio kickboxing routines for a big project I am going to be doing tomorrow, and here are some of my favorites.

If you are a group fitness instructor or aerobics buff, then you are familiar with the “32 count phrase” which essentially is the phasing all aerobic music works in. Each final-product/piece-of-choreography is done in 32-count chunks. You can download aerobic music from itunes or my favorite,, which mixes newer music with the real artists singing.  Be sure to get 135 BPM up to 140 BPM for kickboxing.

The following is a simple kickboxing warm-up, followed by 2 32-count pieces of choreography, as well as high-intensity interval bursts inserted between. Once you get the routine down, you can do them as many times as you want to get your cardio in. For me, this would be about a 15-minute workout. Have fun! ox Jill PS I will post updates tomorrow about my adventures in kickboxing!!

Bob-and-weave – 60 sec
Jabs to the front, alternating arms, 16 each arm
Crosses (across the body), alternating arms, 16 each arm
Hooks, alternating arms, 16 each arm
Upper cuts, alternating arms, 16 each arm
16 Jumping jacks

Repeat above 2-3 more times to get warm and loosen up the arms and legs, be sure to keep form tight and arms strong

Cardio combo #1:
High knees (8 cts)
4 Jumping jacks (8 cts)
2 Power squats (like squat jumps) (8 cts)
Speed bag (8 cts)
Repeat 3-4 more times

HIIT #1: 1 minute squat jumps (as many as you can get in 1 minute–use RBT)

Cardio combo #2:
Speed bag (8 cts)
4 Bob-and-weaves (8 cts)
Jab R front & back (4 cts)
2 Jumping jacks (4 cts)
Jab L front & back (4 cts)
2 Jumping jacks (4 cts)
Repeat 3-4 more times

HIIT #2: 1 minute burpees (as many as you can get in 1 minute–use RBT)

Cool-down with some dynamic and static stretches. Enjoy!

Last Week’s Workout: Shoulder Building Workout

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