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November 21, 2010

6 Weeks to Success: Vanessa Lynn’s Transformation

Vanessa Lynn is a client (and full-time personal trainer) who came to us after getting involved with Metabolic Effect, and wanting to bring her fitness and fat-loss to the competition level. She signed up for our 12-week contest prep program, even though she wasn’t planning on doing a show. She wanted the accountability and the real-deal-no-nonsense-attitude of the contest diet–well, she has compliant for 6 weeks and it has paid off with very real results in a very short time! Enjoy! ox Jill

After following Metabolic Effect on facebook for a few months, and reading The New ME Diet, I was quickly realizing that even though I was a personal trainer I still wasn’t happy with the way I looked and felt. I would read stuff that ME would post about hormones and mood, and what quality of life was supposed to be like. I had always followed the typical “healthy” diet: lots of fruit, mixed nuts, fiber one/kashi cereal, granola, yogurt, sandwiches, wraps, beans, etc… and was still extremely exhausted, miserable, puffy, bloated, and sluggish. I would look in the mirror and try to convince myself that I was just one of those people who would never have a tighter midsection or nicely developed arms. I convinced myself that genetics would keep me from being truly happy with my body, specifically my midsection, which has been an issue for me since I was 10 yrs old. My workouts were always tough, but I never had the energy to do any cardio whatsoever. I couldn’t allow myself to live this way – especially as a trainer- any longer.

That’s when I contacted Jill. I had been reading about their expertise in competition prep, and I knew if I didn’t make a drastic change, I would continue to be miserable and uncomfortable with myself. I decided to choose the competition level of diets/workouts because I was ready to just give it my last shot, to give it every last ounce of energy and determination I had left. Truthfully, this was going to be my last shot at changing my body/lifestyle/happiness; I had run out of options.

Jill quickly hooked me up with my JillFit coach, Tara Ballard, after reviewing my pictures and 3-day diet log, and going over the goals I wanted to achieve. From the very beginning, I saw how serious and confident they were about helping me. Their confidence eased my mind, and several days later I began the program that would change my life. My so-called “healthy” diet went out the window. No more sandwiches, cereals, granola and yogurts; now it was chicken breast, veggies, oat bran, and more veggies! In just 6 short weeks, I went from 140lbs to 129lbs (not that I care about the scale, but wow!); went from size 7 pants to a size 3, and more importantly, I finally new what it felt like not to be hungry all the time, crave junk food, need to sleep 20hrs a day, and how my food could actually make me happy and energetic!! I’ve learned so much from Jill and her team, and I will forever be grateful to have them in my life.

I am starting my next 6 wks to get tighter and stronger, and I cannot wait to see how much more I can accomplish! Thank you so much Jill, her team, and Jade and the Metabolic Effect staff for continually motivating me to be healthier and learn more!!


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