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December 21, 2010

Do-Anywhere Holiday Workout Routine

A client recently asked me about a workout she could do anywhere during the holidays, an important quality since traveling can impede the regular workout schedule/routine.


Here is a 25-minute Workout you can do anywhere, all you need is a single set of dumbbells (ladies: use 8-15 lbs, men: use 15-25 lbs).  If you are struggling to know what do to between now and January 1st, this is a great no-brainer option to to help maintain your weight through the holidays and before your New Years Resolution fitness plan launches.  This is a Rest-Based Workout designed by Metabolic Effect, which means that you only rest as needed, there is no structured rest…the goal is to attain breathless and burning throughout the workout to generate a cardio effect too.  Let me know how it goes! ox Jill

For the first 20 minutes, circuit the following exercises, completing as many rounds as possible.  Rest only as needed and use heavy enough weights that you must rest several times.  It is important to get burning and go to failure several times throughout:

Exercise #1: Squat/Press, perform 12 reps

Exercise #2: Push-up/Row, perform 12 reps (count push-ups)

Exercise #3: Lunge/Curl, perform 8 reps each leg

Exercise #4: Squat Jumps, perform 12 reps

For the last 5 minutes, perform the following 2 movements back-to-back, performing as many reps as it takes to get to failure–once failure is reached, move to the other exercise, and cycle back-and-forth like that until 5 minutes is up (no specific # of reps to complete, just as many as it takes to reach full fatigue)

Exercise #1: Bent-over Row/Triceps Extension

Exercise #2: Close-grip Push-ups

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