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December 28, 2010

Plyometric Pandemonium

This post should really be called “Plyometric Pukey” since the nausea set in at about the 7th round…and of course getting nauseous is not recommended :) but it does tell me is that my legs will be feeling it tomorrow!  This was a quickie leg workout that I did in my condo “gym” since I didn’t feel like venturing out and did not have any weights.  It is an effective leg workout that can be done anywhere and with no equipment.  I used Metabolic Effect’s Rest-Based Training principle to rest whenever I needed, taking lots of short rests as the burn got to be too much, etc.  My goals were burning in the legs and breathlessness several times over–mission accomplished!  This workout is not for the faint of heart!

Check out workout below.  Good luck!! ox Jill

Exhausted, but feeling good!! :)

Want more leg workouts like this?  Try this one!

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