February 25, 2011

Try this! 20-Minute Hotel Workout

Bonjour! I am in Paris half-way through a European work trip slash vacation :) It has been a great trip so far, here is a pic of Jade and I sitting at an amazing restaurant with a 360 degree panoramic view of the city! Tres magnifique!

Ok, I have to preempt this post with this disclaimer: Boy, it is hard eating clean in Paris! lol! BUT, I am doing my best! The Parisians are an enigma to me! They drink wine (starting around 10am at cafes), smoke cigarettes and eat croissants and yet they are some of the thinnest and best-looking people I have ever seen.  Jade and I have been scratching our heads at this one–baguettes are being eaten everywhere you turn and yet people stay thin.  Something perhaps about the way of life (slower and less stressful) and probably the chain smoking has something to do with suppressing appetite, not to mention as in any city, people are walking much more, which from a caloric standpoint definitely adds up.  You definitely don’t see many gyms here and there are no people jogging around town.  Definitely a lesson in lifestyle–healthy vs fat loss?

Anywho, the gym at the Paris is hotel costs about 35 American dollars a day, so I opted for a quickie hotel workout.  A great 20-minute workout, and all you need is a space about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide, a stopwatch (or phone), no weights necessary.  I am sore from this workout! Try it next time you are traveling–no excuses not to workout now :) Let me know what you think!

Do this 3-minute circuit 6 times:

30 seconds split squat on R leg
30 seconds split squat on L leg
30 seconds squat jumps
30 seconds push-ups
30 seconds switch jumps
30 seconds rest

Repeat above circuit for a total of 6 times (18 minutes)
Finish off with 2 minutes of squat thrusts
20 minutes DONE!

Remember to rest as needed, using Metabolic Effect’s Rest-based Training (RBT) concept: push until you have to rest and then rest until you can go again. This way, there is no pacing, only all-out pushing or resting. If your form starts to suffer, that’s also a good indication that you should take a rest :) Check out the video of the workout here!

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