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April 28, 2011

Short & Sweat: 20-Min Advanced Incline Treadmill Workout

Incline work is brutal. Tougher than speed work IMO based on yesterday’s workout! Did a treadmill incline workout yesterday and thought. I. was. going. to. die. Or puke :) So of course, I had to share it with all you crazies who I know love tough interval workouts!  I do something similar to this 2-3 days per week, high intensity-short duration. I like to “leave it all out there” so to speak and really kill it for 20 minutes or so.  After a quick warm-up, it is essentially 30 seconds of pushing followed by 45 seconds of rest.

You could also use Metabolic Effect‘s Rest-Based Training (RBT) approach, which asserts that you “push until you can’t, and rest until you can,” meaning that the pushing phases and the resting phases are not definitive, you just sprint for as long as possible and rest for as long as you need to, until you can do another pushing interval at all-out intensity. Usually with RBT, your pushing segments will be shorter and your resting segments longer. Go ahead and give it a try! Here is the workout, let me know what you guys think! ox Jill

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