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July 11, 2011

Tara’s Saturday Sprints & Quickie Back Workout

By Tara Ballard

Hi everyone! Last Saturday was sprint day, so Jill and I headed out to the track to do 10 x 90 meter sprints. Coming from a long distance running background, sprints are probably the toughest thing for my body to adjust to. I’m working on building my leg turnover, which is definitely a process.  But as we say, “practice makes progress”, so I keep plugging away!  I love sprinting though – it gives me so much more satisfaction than running for hours on end like I used to – I feel completely empowered and spent all at the same time, and it definitely gets the endorphins flowing. And the best part? In less than 30 minutes, I’m done and on with the day!

One of my faves: wide-grip pull-up
I do as many as possible unassisted and then add as little help as possible to complete the set

Today however, I needed to get a quickie back workout in, so I headed to the gym after our sprint session. Here’s what I did…it took about 25 minutes. There are no prescribed rests – I prefer to do my workouts Metabolic Effect style, meaning I rest when I need to. Sometimes the rests are longer, but most of the time, I keep them pretty short. Try it out and let me know what you think and/or if you have any questions.

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