August 17, 2011

Workout Wednesday: Weight & Cardio Ass Kicking :)

NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED. Not everyone is a gym rat like us, and many choose to exercise at home or outside. Here is a quick, simple circuit that I did while visiting my parents last weekend.  All you need is a drive-way or path or road about 40-50 meters in length (I used my parents’ street)–I also used a mat, no dumbbells though.  This circuit is what’s called a “monster set,” where you do all the movements once/all the way through, and then begin again at the top, moving in circuit fashion.  Do the circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes.  BEWARE: vomilicious workout!

I recommend a 5 minute warm-up doing dynamic movements like jogging, walking lunges, high knees, heel kicks, skips, etc, as well as a 5-min cool-down at the end doing static stretches.  Good luck! ox Jill


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