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September 5, 2011

Emily’s Goal Setting & Physique Development for the Fall

By Emily Saunders

I can’t believe that Summer is almost over and it is September! Labor Day weekend creeps up on me every year and here we are again!  The last few weeks have been incredibly busy in the Jillfit world as many of our clients are training for their first competitions this Fall and others are digging in to their personalized 12 Week Fat-loss plans.  I have really enjoyed training hard this summer with my workout buddies Jillfit Trainer Tara Ballard and first time Jillfit Bikini Competitor Tre Lahman.  I have really been focusing on my glutes and delts without the pressures of preparing for a contest.  My cardio workouts have concentrated primarily on sprints (track, treadmill, bike and stairs) and plyometrics and I am seeing great results!

I get tons of questions about my “off-season” diet and truth be told, I eat clean year round.  Recently I have begun adding more “greens” into my diet.  I have even added spinach or kale to my shakes (try it- you can’t even taste it!).  Additionally I have slowly weaned myself off of a long time addiction to artificial sweeteners.  I use Stevia only and have stopped eating bars except when I am totally in a pinch.  I have also switched mostly to pea protein rather than whey.  I have found that my body really prefers to eat mostly “real” food and my tummy is very thankful :)

I am gearing up for a busy Fall!  The next two weekends involve personal travel for get-togethers and my BFFs wedding in Napa!  Of course I will be sure to take along lots of clean snacks like nuts and proteins bars, which travel well. Because I keep a clean diet year round, I allow myself to loosen up a little bit for big events and enjoy myself.  I try to make the best choices possible while also indulging in local and seasonal flavors and of course a few glasses of wine to toast to the occasion.

Additionally, I will be traveling to the LA area in October for FMI’s (Fitness Model International) Fall Conference.  I am nervously excited to meet lots of Fitness Industry Professionals and really hope to use the knowledge and skills from the conference to dig my heels into the Fitness Modeling world.

I also plan to compete one more time this year (and maybe the last time for a while?) at the NPC Elite show along with lots of other Jillfit Girls and Guys including my husband!  I am super excited for all of the fun we will have backstage AND onstage!  I will be catching up with you in October live from Los Angeles and can’t wait to share my FMI experience with our Jillfit readers.   Happy Labor Day!!

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