February 23, 2012

Testimonial: Ashley Adds Weight-Training, Drops Weight in 12 Weeks

At JillFit, we are lucky to be able to work with women all over the world, with different challenges, strengths and goals. One of our recent clients, Ashley Liller shared her experience doing our 12 Week Training and Nutrition Plans, and was kind enough to share her experience. She worked directly with JillFit Coach Emily Saunders, who oversaw her programs and offered consultation along the way, However, it was Ashley’s hard work and dedication to the plan (along with Emily offering adjustments if needed) that made the biggest difference. Ashley was in great shape to begin, but was able to take her fitness to the next level by adding intense weight training (which she had been scared of before) and cleaning up her nutrition. Here’s her story, we hope you enjoy! :)

Before signing up for the JillFit 12 week nutrition and exercise programs, I was an aimless gym go-er. I would run for 30 minutes on the treadmill, do an ab workout, and then wander around from machine to machine…until my boyfriend was done with his workout. I had been serious about lifting weights in the past, due to playing sports in high school and college, but I thought that lifting would make me bulky (because I felt that it had in the past), so I stuck to cardio. Much to my surprise, lifting heavy weights didn’t make me bulky, my diet did!
One of the big realizations that I came to during this program was that if I ate clean, I could lift heavy weights, and I would actually burn fat and get smaller! I also found that eating clean gave me so much more energy; there was no need for coffee and energy drinks! The foods that I once craved for cheat meals started making me feel sick. I think that when I started to eat clean, my body started to crave REAL food and it began rejecting processed foods and foods loaded with sugar.The 12 weeks went by so fast, and before I knew it, it was over.
The workouts were tough, but I felt like I was getting so much accomplished in a little over an hour at the gym. I lost around 10lbs in 12 weeks and lots of inches. I didn’t measure my waist or thighs before I started, but jeans that I once had a hard time fitting into now have a hard time staying up! I couldn’t be happier with the progress that I made in that 12 weeks and all of the knowledge about food and exercise that I have gained.
One of the most important factors to take into consideration, though, when debating on whether or not to embark on this 12 week journey is this: the JillFit trainers can give you all of the knowledge and exercise programs you want, but YOU have to take responsibility for the program and see it through. There were definitely days that I didn’t want to get up and go to the gym, and days when I thought I was too sore to lift, but you have to make yourself do it…because nobody else is going to!
Thanks so much Emily! It was money well spent and I would recommend it to anyone willing to work!

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