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January 4, 2024

The Blueprint for Your Most Successful Year Yet

2024 already—can you believe it? 

I started the FitBizU podcast back in late 2020, because I really wanted a place to geek out about all things internet business. The journey has been incredible, and I appreciate each one of you, whether you’re a brand new listener or you’ve heard every episode, for being a part of it. Today, as we dive into the first episode + blog post of the new year, I want to reflect on the past three years and share some strategies to make 2024 your most successful year in business yet.

Internet business can be unpredictable, but it’s also filled with limitless potential. While we can’t control every single external factor that could potentially affect our businesses, there are five key elements within our control that can pave the way for a successful year.

Decide on Your Top Three Priorities

 Have you ever heard the saying, “If you have more than three priorities, you have none.”? Take a step back and decide on the three key focus areas that will define success for you in 2024. Whether it’s growing your email list, improving social media engagement, or launching a new product, identifying these priorities will guide your actions. Don’t be afraid to get specific.

 Then you can reverse engineer your goals by breaking them down into actionable steps. For instance, if growing your email list is a priority, consider creating a compelling lead magnet, strategizing promotion on social media, and exploring tools like ManyChat for automation.

Embrace the “As If” Principle

 The “As If” principle emphasizes the power of decisions in shaping reality. Act *as if* you already possess the success you desire. When faced with decisions, ask yourself what actions the most successful version of you would take. This mindset shift can significantly impact your trajectory and outcomes.

Strategically Increase Revenue

To ensure a thriving business, focus on two key aspects – higher price points and customer retention. Evaluate whether your signature offer needs more leads or if there’s an opportunity to create higher-tier offerings for existing clients. Increasing revenue involves a combination of lead generation, improved conversion rates, and strategic pricing strategies.

Create Time and Space for Business Growth

Distinguish between working in your business and working on your business. Client-facing responsibilities are essential, but you need to allocate dedicated time for strategic business development. Consider reevaluating your schedule and, if necessary, swapping out less productive activities to make room for business-building efforts. This may involve a short-term sacrifice for long-term gains.

Take 100% Responsibility

Adopt a mindset of absolute responsibility for every aspect of your business. Whether facing challenges or celebrating victories, own the outcomes. This level of accountability fosters continuous learning and adaptation, key elements in the entrepreneurial journey.

Making 2024 your most successful year in business requires a combination of strategic planning, mindset shifts, and tactical execution. As we begin this new year, keep these foundational principles in mind to set the stage for growth, learning, and success.

Feel free to grab a notepad, take some notes, and start envisioning the business you want to build this year. Here’s to your success in 2024!

Learn, Grow,
Teach, Practice

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