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August 13, 2024

From Consumer to Creator: Seven Key Shifts to Transform Your Online Fitness Business

When I first started in the online fitness space, I was just like many of you—I consumed a lot. I was the person signing up for every challenge, reading every blog, and scrolling through social media for inspiration. But there came a point where I realized I had to make a critical shift if I wanted to succeed in this industry. I needed to move from being a consumer to being a creator.

If you’re trying to build an online fitness business, making this switch is essential. It’s about more than just changing how you spend your time; it’s about stepping into a new identity where you’re the one providing value, creating content, and leading others. Here are seven key shifts to help you make that transition.

1. From Scrolling to Building

As a consumer, it’s easy to get caught up in endless scrolling on social media, admiring the work of others. But if you want to succeed as a creator, you need to flip the script. Instead of spending your time passively consuming content, start actively building your own. When I go on social media now, it’s with a purpose—I’m there to engage with my audience, post valuable content, and then get back to work. Shift your focus from consuming to creating, and you’ll see your productivity and impact skyrocket.

2. From Signing Up to Creating

When I first started, I was constantly signing up for other people’s challenges and programs. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I realized that I needed to start offering my own. If you’re a fitness professional, it’s time to stop participating in everyone else’s challenges and start creating your own. Whether it’s a webinar, a fitness challenge, or an e-course, put your knowledge to work by building something that others can sign up for.

3. From Searching to Teaching

One of the biggest hurdles I faced early on was the fear of not getting things “right.” I was so concerned with following best practices and emulating the people I admired that I hesitated to share my own opinions. But true growth comes when you start teaching from your own perspective. Instead of constantly searching for the “right” answers, start sharing what you know. What are the common questions your clients ask? How do you approach training and nutrition? Teach from your experience, and you’ll build credibility and trust with your audience.

4. From Spending to Investing

It’s easy to spend money on things that bring immediate pleasure, like a new gadget or a vacation. But as a creator, you need to prioritize investing in your business and future. I make it a point to reinvest at least 20% of my income back into my business, whether it’s through coaching, courses, or other forms of education. These investments pay off in the long run, helping me to grow and sustain my business over time.

5. From Answering to Asking

As a consumer, you might find yourself frequently answering polls, filling out surveys, or engaging in other people’s content. But as a creator, you need to start doing your own market research. Ask your audience questions, find out what they’re struggling with, and use that information to create products and services that meet their needs. Be the one leading the conversation, not just participating in it.

6. From Seeking Motivation to Creating Passion

Many of us look to others for motivation, whether it’s through signing up for challenges or following inspiring accounts. But as a creator, you need to tap into your own passion. What drives you? What excites you about your work? When you find that internal motivation, you won’t need external challenges to keep you going. Your passion will fuel your consistency and commitment.

7. From “What Can I Get?” to “How Can I Help?”

In the beginning, I was so focused on what I could get from others—whether it was mentorship, recognition, or support. But the real power comes when you shift to asking, “How can I help?” Focus on giving value to others, whether it’s through your content, your coaching, or your interactions. When you lead with a mindset of service, the rewards will come naturally.

Making these shifts won’t happen overnight, but they are crucial for anyone serious about building a successful online fitness business. If you’ve already started making these changes, you know the difference it can make. If not, now is the perfect time to start. By moving from consumer to creator, you’ll not only grow your business but also step into a more empowered, impactful role in the fitness community.

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