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August 14, 2024

Understanding and Attracting Your Ideal Client: 5 Key Questions to Ask

If you’re a fitness professional looking to make a bigger impact online, one of the most crucial steps is identifying and understanding your ideal client. Without a clear picture of who you’re speaking to, your content can feel scattered and fail to resonate with the people who need your help the most. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through five essential questions to ask yourself so you can connect more deeply with your audience and attract clients who are the perfect fit for your coaching programs.

1. What Is Their Specific Problem or Struggle?

The first step in understanding your ideal client is identifying their specific problem or struggle in their own words. It’s easy to fall into the trap of diagnosing the underlying issues as a coach, especially if you’ve already overcome the problem yourself. However, your potential clients might not be aware of these deeper issues yet. Instead, focus on the symptoms they recognize.

For example, if you struggled with food obsession and body image issues a decade ago, you might now realize it was about self-worth and control. But back then, you would have described the problem as not being able to stick to a diet or constantly feeling dissatisfied with your body. Remember, your clients don’t have your perspective yet. Meet them where they are by addressing the known struggles they can identify with right now.

2. What Do They Have That They Don’t Want, or What Do They Not Have That They Want?

Understanding your ideal client’s current circumstances is crucial for crafting content that speaks directly to their needs. What are they dealing with that they’d rather not? What are they missing in their lives that they desperately want?

For instance, maybe they have unwanted weight gain they’re struggling to shed, or perhaps they long to feel confident in a bikini but haven’t achieved that level of self-assurance yet. By identifying these pain points and desires, you can start speaking to their before and after states—where they are now and where they want to be. Your coaching, program, or service is the bridge that helps them cross that gap.

3. How Do They Go Through Their Day?

To truly connect with your ideal client, you need to get granular about their daily experiences. Picture how they go through their day—what are their habits, routines, and behaviors? This exercise requires you to think back to a previous version of yourself, especially if your ideal client is someone who’s facing struggles you’ve already overcome.

For example, I think back to my journey in 2010-2011, when I was obsessed with food and exercise. I was hitting the gym three times a day, doing hours of cardio, and constantly fixating on my body. These specific, relatable details resonate much more than vague statements like “I felt guilty about my eating.” When your content reflects their exact behaviors and struggles, your audience will feel seen and understood.

4. What Thoughts Do They Say to Themselves?

The inner dialogue of your ideal client is another critical aspect to explore. What are the thoughts they’re repeating in their minds? These are often negative self-talk patterns that reflect their insecurities and struggles.

For instance, I used to berate myself for not being able to go a day without chocolate or for feeling undisciplined compared to others. When you tap into these specific thoughts, your content will hit home because it mirrors the exact internal struggles your ideal clients are facing. They’ll feel like you’re in their head, and that’s a powerful connection.

5. Why Haven’t They Been Able to Solve This Problem So Far?

Finally, consider why your ideal client hasn’t been able to solve their problem yet. What’s holding them back? It could be a lack of knowledge, resources, support, or simply feeling overwhelmed by other areas of their life.

Understanding these barriers allows you to position your coaching or program as the missing piece they need. When you can articulate their struggle and the reasons behind it better than they can, they’ll see you as the expert who truly understands them—and they’ll be more likely to invest in your services.

Putting It All Together

By taking the time to answer these five questions, you’ll gain a deep understanding of your ideal client. This knowledge will inform your social media content, sales emails, and every piece of communication you create. Remember, people buy from coaches they feel connected to, so it’s essential that your audience feels like you understand them on a profound level.

Understanding your ideal client is not just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity if you want to build a thriving online fitness business. Take the time to go through these questions, do a deep dive into the mind of your ideal client, and use that knowledge to create content that truly resonates. When you do, you’ll not only attract more clients but also build stronger, more meaningful connections with them.

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