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August 13, 2024

The Four Big Dial Movers: What to Focus on When Starting Your Online Fitness Business

Today, I wanted to dive into what really matters when you’re just starting out in your online fitness business. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you could be doing. Should you start a YouTube channel? Build your Pinterest following? Create a podcast? These options can be enticing, but when you’re new to the online space, there are only a few things you need to focus on to start seeing real results.

Here are the four main strategies you should be paying attention to:

1. Content Creation on Social Media

Content is king, especially when you’re building an online brand. When we talk about content creation, we’re referring to anything you put out online—whether it’s videos, images, written posts, or audio content. It’s about sharing tips, strategies, stories, or tools that provide value to your audience.

In the early days of your business, your content doesn’t need to be polished or perfect. What’s important is that you’re consistently showing up and sharing your expertise. Social media platforms are where your potential clients are already spending their time, so focus on putting out content there. If you don’t do anything else today, make sure you post something that demonstrates your knowledge in your field. Congratulations, you’ve just started your business!

2. Cultivate Personal Relationships

You’re likely already connected with people who could be your first clients—friends, family, acquaintances, and people who know you from other aspects of your life. These are the relationships you need to cultivate. Engage with them, whether it’s through comments on social media, direct messages, or even in-person interactions.

Don’t be afraid to offer free value in the beginning. Give free sessions, write customized workout programs, or provide diet audits. This is not only great practice, but it also builds trust and goodwill. Over time, these people will be more likely to turn to you when they’re ready to pay for services.

A great way to leverage these relationships is by offering your platform to others in your field. Invite a peer to be a guest speaker in your closed Facebook group or interview them on your social media channels. This not only adds value to your audience but also builds rapport with other professionals.

3. Email List Building and Closed Facebook Group

Building an email list or a closed Facebook group is crucial. These are spaces where you have direct access to your audience without the noise of social media. People who join your email list or Facebook group are showing a higher level of interest in what you have to offer—they’ve jumped through a hoop to be there.

Even if your Facebook group starts with just 20 people, that’s 20 potential clients. The key is to consistently provide value to keep them engaged. When you’re ready to launch a paid offering, these are the people who are most likely to buy.

4. Offer One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching is the fastest and easiest way to start making money online. Unlike creating a course or membership, you don’t need a lot of upfront resources. You can start coaching clients right away, tailoring your sessions to their specific needs.

One-on-one coaching is also a great way to build your credibility and refine your process. It’s time-intensive, but it’s also the highest ticket service you can offer as a beginner. Once you’ve built a solid client base, you can start exploring group coaching, courses, and other offerings.

Focus on the Big Dial Movers

If you’re just starting out, don’t get distracted by all the possibilities out there. Focus on these four big dial movers: create content on social media, cultivate personal relationships, build an email list or closed Facebook group, and offer one-on-one coaching. Do these consistently, and you’ll start seeing real results in your online fitness business.

Remember, you don’t need to be everywhere or do everything at once. Master the basics, get those reps in, and you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving online business. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

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