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September 27, 2014

4-Week #Moderation365 Nutrition Boot Camp


Jill’s 4-Week #Moderation365 Nutrition Boot Camp

How is this course delivered?

This course is a virtual educational class delivered over the internet, via 4 weekly video trainings and 3 weekly coaching emails, all delivered right to your inbox. The program is not customized to individuals, but is designed to cover both the insights related to food obsession (the “why” behind it) and the most effective tools and techniques to overcome it.

Who is this course right for?

This course is designed for women who feel an overwhelming anxiety around all things related to food and eating–When is my next meal? Do I have all my food prepped and ready? How long until I can eat again? How many calories/carbs/grams/points is it? What’s are my totals for the day? How many more cals can I eat? Am I losing or gaining weight?

Breaking the mindset of extreme food awareness is tough, and often we fear relinquishing control in our mind will lead to many larger dress sizes. That’s just not the case–the latest research on self-compassion shows us that.
This course is for women who simply don’t want to be thinking and stressing about food constantly. They want to find an effortless and easy way to interact with food daily.

Who is this course NOT right for?

This is not a weight loss course. It’s a mindset course. When you want to break your obsession with food, that needs to be your goal, not getting as lean as possible. But that also doesn’t mean you just let go and eat with abandon either–besides that’s not stress free either! This course is not for people who want to lose a ton of weight or want to do anything it takes to be in crazy great shape. Rapid weight loss techniques work until they don’t. And if you want that, this is not the course for you. But I’ll see you in a couple years! ;)

What will we be covering?

Course Syllabus:

Video trainings:

  • Training #1: Insights: Why do we do this? Gaining perspective.
  • Training #2: How to Break the Deprive-the-Binge Cycle
  • Training #3: Teaching Yourself a Healthy Degree of Mindfulness + troubleshooting
  • Training #4: Control vs. Trust

Tools and techniques we’ll be learning and using:

  • Healthy (vs. unhealthy) Mindfulness
  • Intermittent Sampling
  • Benefit of the doubt and self-compassion
  • Daily Nutritional Commitments
  • Deprivation/Indulgence Scale
  • Intuitive eating and listening to your body
  • Handling your emotions without food
  • Lack vs. abundance mindset
  • Food FOMO
  • “Situational Eating” strategies
  • And much more!

Program begins immediately upon purchase (check your email and junk folder!).

Please understand that due to the short nature of the course (4 weeks), no requests for refunds will be granted after the first 7 days. If you have questions, please email me!

Open for a limited time – $49


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