October 12, 2012

Tara’s Top 7 Mindset Resources

By Tara Ballard

Since we here at Jillfit are currently in the middle of our Mindset Makeover Program, I thought I would share my favorite websites to visit when I am in need of an attitude adjustment.

Although I feel like my way of looking at things has improved dramatically (bye-bye victimhood), there are days when things are, well, kinda crappy. I wake up in a foul mood, my computer crashes, I get stressed because the house is a mess, etc. etc. Even though my mindset has changed, it doesn’t mean that these things don’t still happen; and while I do a pretty good job of recognizing when I’m falling into the “oh woe is me” trap or the blame game, there are still times when I need a little mental wake-up call. These sites help get me there.

Without further adieu:

  1. Jillfit Physiqueswww.jillfit.com: Well, duh. :)
  2. Marc and Angel Hack Lifewww.marcandangel.com: I LOVE this site, almost as much as Jillfit.
  3. ZenHabitswww.zenhabits.net – getting in touch with your inner Zen and learning to live simply.
  4. Daring to Live Fullywww.daringtolivefully.com: offers practical tips on creativity, productivity, and simply getting the most out of life.
  5. Susan Slywww.susansly.com/blog: I became exposed to Susan Sly through a new business my significant other and I started several months ago. She does a great job empowering women to be the best they can be with a focus on love, faith, giving and gratitude.
  6. Ordinary Couragehttp://www.ordinarycourage.com/: Brene Brown’s blog. Brown is the author of The Gifts of Imperfection, a book that helped me break out of the perfectionist trap.
  7. Bug Sayshttp://bugsays.wordpress.com/: Ok, while this isn’t necessarily a “mindset makeover” site, it does make me laugh out loud every time I read it, which is great for the psyche (which no doubt causes a good mindset change) :). Bug details her and brother Tank’s adventures in life, doggie daycare and training for the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Happy surfing and mindset shifting :)!



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